The Biden Tax Plan: Proposed Changes And Planning Opportunities

Date: Tuesday, January 26, 2021
Time: 7:45am - 9:30am
Location: VIRTUAL
Speaker: Jeffrey Levine CPA/PFS, CFP®, AIF®, CWS®

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The Biden Tax Plan: Proposed Changes & Planning Opportunities

2020 has been an unusual year, to say the least. And as if normal year-end planning, combined with the complexities brought about by a pandemic weren't enough to deal with on their own, 2020 offered an additional complication....a Presidential election! President-elect Joe Biden has detailed a few substantial changes to the tax code, the focus primarily on individual income tax and investment tax. In this session, attendees will learn about each of the major changes proposed by President-elect Biden, exploring both the new challenges, and planning opportunities, it creates. 

Learning Objectives:

  1. Review the Internal Revenue Services’ role in carrying out tax legislation
  2. Explore tax planning opportunities and consequences regarding income acceleration 
  3. Discover tax deduction opportunities and compare if they are best to be applied now or in a future year
  4. Understand the key estate tax changes and where to focus planning efforts 
  5. Identify areas of potential compromise in current and future tax legislation


Continuing Education:

CFP approved: 1 credit

CPA and ICB: 1 credit



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